VISA LIBYE Application

Documents available for downloading: 

Information to know:

  • Translation of the passport is now MANDATORY
  • Transit : it is possible to stay in transit for 24 hours with the continuation ticket. People traveling on Afriqiyah Airways can obtain a 72-hour transit visa upon arrival except from Israel and Switzerland.
  • Visa on arrival : The visa may exceptionally be obtained on arrival provided that the invitation from the Libyan authorities (immigration services) has arrived 24 hours before arrival at the Libyan customs, Embarkation by the airline. You must be in possession of a letter from the Libyan authorities. We disclaim all responsibility for this procedure.



  • Translation of the passport is now MANDATORY
  • VSI order form in duplicate
  • Original passport valid for at least 6 months, without Israeli visa
  • Copy of Passport ID
  • 2 original color photos (not scanned)
  • 2 visa application forms:  
  • Mission letter from the French company indicating the reason and dates of the trip
  • Invitation letter from your correspondent indicating the reason and dates of the trip
  • N ° of the invitation issued by the Bureau of Immigration in Libya, to claim from the Libyan society after having sent him the copy of the translation of the passport
  • Copy of the air ticket or itinerary
  • For foreigners residing in France (outside Europe): Provide in addition a copy of the residence permit



Only groups are allowed to obtain a tourist visa

  • Translation of the passport is now MANDATORY
  • VSI order form in duplicate
  • Original passport valid for at least 6 months, without Israeli visa
  • Copy of Passport ID
  • 2 original color photos (not scanned)
  • 2 visa application forms:  
  • Copy of the airline ticket or itinerary return or Certificate of travel agency
  • Certification of a receptive in Libya, recognized by the Consulate
  • For foreigners residing in France (outside Europe): Provide in addition a copy of the residence permit



Normal Delay: 15 days

Urgent delay : 3 to 4 days if justified by the ticket

Consular costs (visa fees )

1 entry valid for 1 month

60 €

Multiple entries valid for 3 months

120 €

Multiple entries valid for 6 months

240 €

Multiple entries valid for 1 year

480 €

Validity of visa

The visa is valid from 1 month to one year, from the date of issue, for stays of up to one month on site.

The validation of visas is issued according to the invitation received by the Embassy

Embassy - Consular Section

8 rue Chasseloup-Laubat

75015 Paris

Such. :



Opening hours of the Consulate:

10am - 12.30pm

Open Monday and Thursday only
